Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Top Ten Blog List!

The below Top Ten List is on blogs. All the blogs listed below are about people’s experience with Down syndrome. Family, friends, and or individuals with Down syndrome have taken some part in the process of putting together these beautiful memoirs, resources, and helpful information! The stars that I have indicated for each blog are just a personal preference, so definitely check them out to form your opinions!

1. The Road We’ve Shared. This is both a podcast and the host site of three blogs! Just recently the three moms that share this blog site have added a section that is labeled as a “Radio Shows”. This blog/podcast is unique because it is from the perspective of parents of adults with Down syndrome. This is a great topic to address as I am sure many wonder what it’s like to have a child grow up and mature into adulthood! The moms seem energetic and very willing to share their experiences.

2. Big Blueberry Eyes. This blog took part in an interesting blog challenge that inspired other bloggers that support Down syndrome to continue spreading the news, resources, and stories. The challenge is called 31 for 21! In the month of October (National Down Syndrome Awareness Month) this blogger encouraged other blogger to and blog every day! It’s slogan: “31 for 21 Raising Awareness One Blog at a Time”.  31 stands for the number of days in October and 21 stands for the chromosome that is duplicated to cause Down syndrome.

3. Enjoying the Small Things. This blog that started back in 2007 is a wonderful, honest blog that shows the true emotion of a mother experiencing the unexpected birth of her second daughter with Down syndrome. The blog does a nice job showing how important it is for new readers to know the emotional roller coaster of this woman’s birth. There is a special tab on the blog labeled “Start Here If You’re New” that tells the birth story of their daughter Nella (and boy is it a tear jerker!) I really appreciate the honesty in this blog and it gives great insight into the many emotions that are experienced within the first few moments of finding out about your child’s diagnosis.

4. Lila’s miracle Life. This blog is a creative blog a bit different than the other blogs that I have found. The main blog portion of the website uses photos and poetry to explain the family’s thoughts and feelings. I find this to be extremely beautiful and unique. Different families are going to express their thoughts in various ways. The poems are beautiful and the pictures are worth more than 1000 words!

5. Simeon’s Trail. This is an inspirational blog that tells the story of a family with seven children, the second to youngest one having Down syndrome. Not only does this blog do a beautiful job discussing the life of this big family, but it even introduces a new family member! The family is in the process of adopting another child with Down syndrome from Serbia. This unique blog gives an interesting perspective about being an adoptive mom.

6.  Noah’s Dad. This is a great blog website because not only does the host of the site share his information, but he gives the opportunity for other families and friends to post their blog information on his site. In addition to seeing the multitude of stories from many different bloggers Noah’s blog has additional sections where you can access resources, information about parenting, therapy information, and much more! The website is simply an awesome way to communicate and join a network of family, friends, and advocates of individuals with Down syndrome. Noah’s Dad has 82,300 fans on Facebook, 10,900 followers on Twitter and 3,100 followers on Instagram!

7. Group Hug Apparel. Although this blog does not seem to be updated regularly, the interesting aspect to it is the apparel store that 22-year old Andrew Banar has established. Andrew was born with Down syndrome, but does not let that stop him from doing amazing events for the community and putting together a clothing line called Group Hug Apparel. The clothing line features designs that inspire others to “Be strong and rock on”. Andrew’s determination and aspirations to be successful are clearly depicted through this blog and it is an inspiration to all.

8. Keeping Up With Down Syndrome New South Wales. This blog is a great site because it not only tells great stories about individuals with Down syndrome, but it gives job opportunities as well. The most recent blog post was talking about a theater that was looking for two actors! What a great opportunity and awesome post for potential actors or actresses to see! I especially enjoyed the “2014 Events” tab that already has so many things listed for this year! One fact for everyone to know is World Down syndrome Day is March 21!

9. A Perfect Lily. This amazing, colorful and vibrant blog is a wonderful blog that posts every day! How this mom has time to post and take care of her beautiful children is truly dedication and from her blog post on February 11- a sign of grace and balance! The beautiful pictures, pieces of advice and real life examples make this blog relatable and comforting.

10. Down Syndrome Blogs. This website is a host site that contains many different blogs.           One of the features I especially like is “Blogs by Category” tab. The tab lets you pick a specific topic       connected to a clog about Down syndrome that you may be more interested learning more about.


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